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RE: [microsound] The women of microsound
Is electronic music really ungendered? Is this meant to be a sort of
posthuman or machinic lack of gender? Microsound seems like a very male
thing to me.
--*-----Original Message-----
--*From:v [mailto:cnorman@xxxxxxxxxx]
--*Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2001 4:57 AM
--*To: microsound
--*Subject: Re: [microsound] The women of microsound
--*why?, NO, none i hope...
--*Cornice McDonnell wrote:
--*> So the next question must be...
--*> Does "men's" and "women's" microsound sound different? Is
--*gender flattened
--*> on the powerbook screen or can it be heard in the music? What
--*> and characteristics do microsounders attribute to masculinity
--*and femininity
--*> in music?
--*> -km
--*> --*-----Original Message-----
--*> --*From: Gregory Taylor [mailto:gtaylor@xxxxxxxx]
--*> --*Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 3:28 PM
--*> --*To: microsound
--*> --*Subject: [microsound] The women of microsound
--*> --*
--*> --*
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