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Re: [microsound] The women of microsound
> It could also be
> that microsound is a sex-centric activity with no value whatsoever, like men
> watching football and guzzling beer or women gossiping about soap operas and
> popping valiums. Neither of those activities are something the other sex
> would be wise to emulate.
neither of those activities are something _anyone_ would be wise to emulate.
as for your question... what is sex-centric in microsound? nothing.
i'm partisan of the cultural programming theory myself, & i would
suspect most of us (at least the younger ones, as i am) were essentially
raised with computers & now internet like girls are raised with dolls.
how many times have i stumbled upon a woman excusing herself saying "i
don't understand anything about computers" as if that were a terribly
mystical topic for a woman to discuss. & microsound doesn't make very
much sense outside of the computer paradigm, especially if it is talked
of in obscure mailing lists such as this one, which you obviously need
some knowledge of internet (thus computers) beyond "how do i get to my
hotmail account" to even find out about. fortunately, i don't think
this distinction will be valid for much longer, considering internet
access is spreading extremely fast & computers are no longer boy hobbies.
~ david