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Re: [microsound] omnicord

Scott Allison wrote:

> man i have been trying to get this msp instrument (omnicord) to load some of
> my samples with no luck. Does anyone have any experince with this? maxplay
> does not seem to like me very much. One other question concering omnicord,
> has anyone tryied loading some of the pluggo vst things into omnicord?

I haven't really tried omnichord, but it sounds like some externals or objects
could be missing.  Also, have you tried loading SDII and AIFF files?  Only of
of them might work...?
Pluggo plugs do not work within MAX-MSP at all.
BTW: anyone looking for Omnicord it's here: http://loopool.live.fm/
also, check out lloopp! very nice.