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Re: [microsound] online mp3 hosting / mp3.com
> and I dont really see what your point is, but hey, well done.
for a greater understanding you might want to get this book:
Allen, Vernon L.; Greenberger, David B.
An aesthetic theory of vandalism.
Crime & Delinquency, 1978 Jul, v24 (n3):309-321.
Abstract: Presents an aesthetic theory of vandalism that posits that the
variables accounting for the enjoyment associated with socially acceptable
aesthetic experiences are similarly responsible for the pleasure associated
with acts of destruction. Previous theory and research in aesthetics have
identified many important factors, such as complexity, expectation, novelty,
intensity, and patterning, which are responsible for the pleasure that
accompanies an aesthetic experience. These same psychological processes are
involved in the destruction of an object. Furthermore, aesthetic variables
implicated in an object's initial appearance and in its appearance after
being vandalized may serve as eliciting or discriminative stimuli for
destructive behavior. Several studies provide support for hypotheses derived
from the aesthetic theory of vandalism. The theory's practical implications
for reducing vandalism in the schools are examined.