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signal (to noise) ratio... fjorden too
As others have said, this list goes through cycles... sometimes tech
talk prevails, sometimes Britney Spears talk. Like all email lists
the delete button can be your best friend. I personally value the
occasional excursions into tech as the folks here have
interests/equipment/aesthetic common ground, far more than on any of
the tech lists I've endured... and I have several members in
particular to thank for pointing me in the direction of really good
and useful information... THANKS!
Now, new signal... listeners interested in the micropop hybrid
should definitely check out the Barbara Morgenstern disc Fjorden (on
Monika). Very catchy, partially vocal, this album has 5 tracks
produced by Pole, 1 by Thomas Fehlman, and 1 by Robert Lippok.
Listmember Joshua Maremont (hi Josh) turned me onto this and a recent
Wire had a short feature on Ms. Morgenstern as well. A tremendous
outing for sure, can't wait to hear her earlier disc to see where
this came from...
Michael = http:www.foundrysite.com/eM