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Re: [microsound] hafler trio anyone?
I also treasure my Hafler Trio works. He is an amazing artist. His works
are complex and soothing. Fuck is one of my all time favorites, I think it
was part of a triad of works he produced after working with Annie Sprinkle
on one of her performance pieces. I also enjoy the packaging of his works,
but I experience it apart from the sonic presence. I have never even thought
to try to analyze it, perhaps because I have known other artists who make
similar work that is meant to interest but not inform. I always think of the
visuals as fascinating mind candy. It's more of a visceral, immersive thing,
as is his sound work, to me. rebecca263
np: well, I call it "1984/2001 the years" in my head...the CD doesn't have
a name, by composer Ed Bobb
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