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Re: [microsound] Performing "Live"

> My opinion about playing live is that if you are not actually doing
> something (more than FX tweaking) and don't have enough flexibility 
> in your
> set up /playing method to react to the environment or crowd than I 
> would not
> recommend playing live. Not to be discouraging its just that Live 
> should be
> live. . .I think that you are cheating yourself if it is not really 
> "live"
> (whatever live in quotas means).

"live" means that much microsound material (excuse the broad
what everyone here is doing as microsound) is not really live as we think
of it,
as neubauten would be more "live" than, say, b. guenther.  

i sympathize with the above quoted view: it is always more interesting
to have a performance like neubauten or h3o than to watch some guy
on a laptop or pc.  problem is performing dsp processing w/o the computer
seems nearly impossible, unles you load your samples into a mega-RAM
unit and then play them back.  this is preferable, as you could combine
it with other
hardware devices, but i personally dont have the cash to invest in
something like that
when my lil ol pc will do the same thing but better...

maybe the key here is: audience expectations.  when people see b.
guenther, they 
shouldnt be disappointed when he doesnt pour molten lava over his
computer and
record and loop the results...
they expect a listening experience. and it seems that depending on how
one composes
and creates the music, it may be nearly impossible or at least
impractical to perform live
if one's primary mode of creation is dsp processing.

finally, even if you cannot conjure up an interesting spectacle when
performing, it
it is better to do at least *something* live, rather than nothing at all.
 live performance
even in this type of music is important for exposure and promotion (on
the crass level)
and on a more 'artistic' level, it is satisfying and of necessity
to have others listen to your creation.

j siemion


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