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Re: [lowercase-sound] cmj

don't mean to intervene on your discussion here but it is a public forum . .

> anna piedmont wrote:
> > It sounds to me like he the art isn't so much in the
> > creation of audio work as much as in the programming
> > ("the tool is the message"). what does it mean to use
> > someone else's tool? if the tool is the message, and
> > you are using someone else's isn't it therefor someone
> > else's message?

i think kerry misunderstands you, you're saying that _kim's_ point was that
"the tool is the message" right?

"Kerry Uchida" responded
> He's expressing that a great deal of the art is being
> created from the errors, mis-use etc....in using "tools".
> That people are not using the "tools" as they were
> meant for.
> So your saying that the email message that you sent is
> not really your message it the message sent by your
> computer (whatever that brand may be).
> If two different painters use the same brush are they
> expressing the same message?
> Are Jimi Hendrix and Bill Frissel expressing the same
> message?

well, kim said that, that "the tool is the message."

i would disagree, and i think anna would disagree, and you obviously
disagree. so we're all in agreement. and we all disagree with kim.

but i also think that we misunderstand the article. i for one did not get a
real strong argument for the philosophy of microsound, and i doubt if one
could be formed because really each artist is quite unique and dogmatic
statements tend to be false. so i don't know what the point was.

is kim on this list? he's on the microsound list, perhaps we could forward
this discussion there?


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