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trading csound files?
after getting on the sound_injury newsgroup i realized the power that
be harnest from conjoining like minds, and at the same time i started
wondering about programming in csound. i think it would be pretty neat
to trade csound files. however at this moment for me, i know about one
chapter in the csound book;
quite the beginner for sure. but i was wondering
if there are people on this list who know csound pretty well and would
like to share some of their knowledge on the subject (ei. csound links, the
more important chapters in the csound book for them, interactions with
other programming languages, csound newsgroups, etc). At some point i'd
really like to get
something going like the sound_injury newsgroup so csound files
could be swapped around among friends :)
ps. csound files can be extraordinarily smaller than its corresponding
.wav file, right? (just pondering)