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specifics and over reading. . .
Hello microsounders. . .
Just wanted to clear the air. . . I miss spelled chord, it is true. . . and
once I even spelled beer bear, and everyone got a big chuckle. . .
What is this microsound bully comment any way. . If I harmed you, or your
self-esteem I am sorry. . . My comment (the one with so many fucks in it)
was trying to put tools in there place. . . (not talking about free jazz
here), but I see very little need to play be-bop on your computer. . . and
don't see why you would want too. . . nor do I see anything wrong with
playing a guitar with a laptop (in fact I'm an a band with me on
"electronics" (a laptop (running max (with quite a lot of 'moments of
influence' (or whatever you judge live by)) and a a synthesizer) and a
bassist and drummer. . . and everyone gets along fine. . . going from
'microsound' to kroutrock (and that's probably spelled wrong to). . .
I do not know why people read so much into these things. . . and (for
the most part) get the wrong meaning as to what I said. . .
I know this has nothing to do with any of the threads currently, but I felt
like people had been kicked in the gut by things I was not trying to say in
what I wrote. . .
Well. . . off to go postal. ..
n.p. the recording If a laptop jam I was part of earlier tonight. . .
I go away now. ..