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Re: [microsound] stockhausen&quaybrothers on the telly tonight
> I was lucky enough to go to the event at the Barbican, strange to me that
> this 'collaboration' was the only one that really worked which was ironic
> because what came out of the interview between the guy who commissioned
> them (BBC I think, not channel 4 - who bore an uncanny resemblence to
> Montgommery Burns) was that this wasn't really a collaboration at all,
> Stockhausen sent them the piece, they were extremely nonplussed by it but
> obliged to use it in their piece - I got the impression that they had no
> further communication with him. That said the piece piece was
> mesmerising,and in another league to the other works presented. It wasn't
> that there weren't interesting elements to the other pieces (Adrian Utley's
> soundtrack was a good attempt at redeeming a pretty mediocre peice by Roeg,
> and hearing Tavener's piece, (with Werner Herzhog) complete with string
> orchestra and boys choir was 3D goggles after the tape peices (is that
> blasphemous on this list?) - the hall was crap for tape peices. Did anyone
> else go, I'd be interested to know what other people thought.