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~(e); cat meowing frequencies (fwd)
Revealed: how purrs are secret to cats' nine lives
By David Harrison, Environment Correspondent
Healing and the cat's purr - Fauna Communications Research Institute
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
The University of Hull
Why do cats purr? - useless knowledge.com
How does a cat purr, which cats purr, and what does it mean? - Mad sci
SCIENTISTS have discovered that the purring of cats is a "natural healing
mechanism" that has helped inspire the myth that they have nine lives.
None lives: wounded cats purr because it helps their bones and organs to
healWounded cats - wild and domestic - purr because it helps their bones and
organs to heal and grow stronger, say researchers who have analysed the
purring of different feline species. This, they say, explains why cats
survive falls from high buildings and why they are said to have "nine
lives". Exposure to similar sound frequencies is known to improve bone
density in humans.
The scientists, from the Fauna Communications Research Institute in North
Carolina, found that between 27 and 44 hertz (a measure of the number of
cycles per second) was the dominant frequency for a house cat, and 20-50Hz
for the puma, ocelot, serval, cheetah and caracal. This reinforces studies
confirming that exposure to frequencies of 20-50Hz strengthens human bones
and helps them to grow.
Dr Elizabeth von Muggenthaler, the president of the institute, said: "Old
wives' tales usually have a grain of truth behind them and cats do heal very
quickly. The healing power of purring seems to explain their 'nine lives'."
The scientists say that sound waves created at a particular frequency
trigger the healing process in feline bones. Purring is believed to have a
similar effect to ultrasound treatment on humans. Dr von Muggenthaler said:
"We are starting to solve a 3,000-year-old mystery as to why cats purr. e
next phase will be to explain the mechanics of the process."
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