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new john wall recording

Of those of you who have heard the new John Wall e.p.,
CONSTRUCTIONS V-VII, what do you think about it?  For
those who haven't heard it, it's a 24-minute recording
with three pieces.  I notice that he seems to use
rather fewer sound sources than before (and among
those, the familiar: Peter Rehberg, Luigi Nono, Evan
Parker, Sachiko M, etc.), and the liners make a point
of stating that 2 out of these three compositions
don't incorporate "original" acoustic material from
improvisors...these two are entirely sewn from
samples.  I really wasn't prepared for the result,
though.  I can scarcely spot the samples, and they are
_far_ from being interestingly twisted bleeding chunks
(cf. the remarkable FRACTUUR and CONSYRUCTIONS I-IV). 
It's an altogether microsound experience, minimal
glitching, much closer to something I'd expect from
Chartier, Deupree, Bretschneider (sp?), or some other
composers working with glimmering small tones and
gestures.  I think it's beautiful, but on a fourth
listen, it doesn't seem as remarkable as the
recordings immediately preceding it; rather it's a
different beast, a little, hairless, subterranean
beast, maybe an elusive beetle of some kind.  The
music seems distilled to a trace.  

I wonder how/if he performs live.   A bloated
non-review, this.


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