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Printers... you love them or hate them. (I hate them!)

Dear Akira/Stephan,

<<...your reply to Christopher Murphy's post sounded a bit annoyed, did I
receive this right?>>

<...no, no, I'm not annoyed... actually I think it's a little funny that the
printers keep fucking it up. Heck, I think I'm a little proud to be such a
trouble maker...>

I'm not sure who wrote what here (I suspect it's you Akira?), but I think
that actually I'm the trouble maker with the 'let's black everything out by
overprinting it' idea? To be honest, it's all now starting to wear a bit
thin, the material has been at the pressing plant for what seems like an
eternity now and all I want is to get it out there and released.

Everyone blames these delays on the publisher (i.e. us) and, believe me, if
I had the money to set up my own pressing/printing plant, I would. Think of
the luxury of no longer having to explain all these 'seemingly absurd' ideas
to all the people involved in production.

Such is life when you don't follow the four-colour process printing route in
favour of idiosyncracy. =]

Take care,


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