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Re: [microsound] completely OT yet so on-topic
Neil Wiernik wrote :
>What not to mention the capitalist myth of the jewish conspiracy??
'Stalinist' I did wrote and this has been an ironic counterpoint to what
had been written above (hence an anti-Stalinist, pro-Jewish comment) ;
btw, as we're here, 'Crystal night' is yet another (unfortunate) example
of mobilized raging masses throwing in civilians' windows ...
David Turgeon replied :
>if i understand well, here you're showing me various examples of
>totalitarianism in afghanistan (one of which is a monarchy)
(I could have anticipated this ...) Well, I chose this example for its
paradigmatic character : years of battle with (formerly colonialist)
Great Britain ; overthrow of a monarchist regime in order to
'republic-ize' it, where the, first, communist support and later seizure
of power in some way did prepare the terrain for the Soviet invasion,
that, waste again after their withdrawal, did allow of first (political)
islamization (*) and later the extremists' takeover ...
However, as you are in Canada being part of the British commonwealth and
since, as you're correctly stating in another message, democracy is a
political system, you might have noticed that there are other
constitutional combinations possible, that, like the Netherlands, for
instance -- a constitutional (hereditary) monarchy --, while being at
once democratic (parliamentary**) _and_ a monarchy, will represent even
one of the most social:liberal systems here in Europe ... (likewise
Sweden, or even Spain, having been following to the Franco regime ...).
So, in short, taking these notions literally (in a political sense), you
can easily be _at once_ democrat, monarchist, and republican (and yet
non-totalitarian) ...
As to Marc Hiatt :
>"anarchy" (in a political sense) does not equal "mayhem" or "chaos".
>its not about regressing to a state of nature, but a philosopy
> (stemming from thinkers like proudhon and stirner in the 19.C)
>that stresses an alternative to hierachy-driven systems
Okay, here you have some of the common discrepancies between ideal
theory and real practice again ... In reality there are lots of examples
where an anarchistic situation did give rise to first a paramilitary
guerrilla terrorizing the local population and later installing their
own leader's government ...
(*) I should add that I have nothing against an Islamic body politic, as
long as it (is laic and) doesn't make the Koran the basis of law and
order ...
(**) Typically btw in all this reasoning is the (one-dimensionally)
referring of 'democracy' to the mere 'right-to' (e.g., expression)
aspect only ...