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Mikropolyphonie Volumes 5+6

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Mikropolyphonie, the online contemporary music journal, has just published Volumes 5 and 6 featuring electro-acoustic/computer music:


Select "Articles".


MikroPolyphonie 5 : ACMC 1999


Dr Gordon Monro, University of Sydney, gmonro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Jonty Harrison
Imaginary Space - Spaces in the Imagination (Keynote Address)

Eduardo Reck Miranda
Exploring the Potential for Digital Life-Forms: Music as Emergent Behaviour

Densil Cabrera
'PsySound': a Computer Program for the Psychoacoustical Analysis of Music

Densil Cabrera
The Size of Sound: Auditory Volume Reassessed

Ian Kaminskyj
Multidimensional Scaling Analysis of Musical Instrument Sounds' Spectra

Greg Schiemer, Narayan Mani, Siri Rama
Shantivanam 2 : interactive performance using an audio signal processor


Warren Burt
The Spectacle and Computer Music: A Critical Assessment


MikroPolyphonie 6 : ACMC 2000

David Hirst, La Trobe University/University of Melbourne, d.hirst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dr Gordon Monro, University of Sydney, gmonro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Andrew Brown
Modes of Compositional Engagement

Alan Dorin
Boolean Networks for the Generation of Rhythmic Structure

Greg Schiemer
Boolean logic as a harmonic filter

Steve Dillon
Making computer music meaningful in schools

Ian Kaminskyj
Multi-feature Musical Instrument Classifier

Ian Stevenson
Diffusion: Realisation, Analysis and Evaluation


Roger Alsop
Teaching Electro-Acoustic Composition to the Uninitiated

Warren Burt
Brisbane Nocturn - An Algorithmic Composition Using Softstep

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