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Re: [microsound] Fwd: voluntary solstice blackout
> Anyone knows that the Cheney-Bush team is blowing smoke
> when they tell us that "... conservation can't help, it'll just be too
> expensive to implement those technologies..." While on the other hand,
> technology to develop and deploy weapons to blow incoming ICBMs out of
> the sky are easy to come by.
in fact (& only to make the irony all the more chilling) the defense
system as supported by lil'bush is pretty much impossible to achieve
according to scientists working in that field (not to mention useless
for dissuasion, & a pretty obvious waste of resources). so this
technology is in fact NOT easy to come by, whereas alternative energy
technologies have been known & around for years despite the little
financing they had to struggle with.
does that tell you anything? i think it shows how false the "capitalism
as natural rule" paradigm is... if capitalism is so natural then why is
it so expensive? if ecological solutions are so easy to come by then
why are we catering to the roundabout demands from dangerously biased
oil tycoons? could it be that fascist capitalism (i.e. the US) is
nothing but a political fabrication falsly pretending to incarnate "the
natural state"?
all this effort into what? the end of the world? that's not what i'd
call "clever", but hey, maybe a republican voter on this list may
explain to me what part of the plan i'm missing?
fuck, what a cancer these guys are... why isn't "IMPEACH JUNIOR" a more
common slogan? it sounds sort of cute. the problem of course is that
so many people are too afraid or unaware to call things with their
proper names. such as "political fraud", "hijacking of democracy", or
simply "crime against humanity", all of which are plain assessments of
proven fact & not paranoia. but then, the "experts"
(journalists/advertisers & others at the forefront of semantic crime)
don't use these terms outside of kosovo & north korea. yet the USA is
clearly a rogue state (or "state of concern"), following their very own
textbook definition. gee, what is the NATO doing?!?!?!
no microsound content today, but so far as weird music is concerned i'd
like to say i sure do enjoy the new US maple record.
~ david