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Re: [microsound] The Glitch Bunny

Neil Wiernik wrote: (on the subject of Clicks n Cuts 2)

>it a nice breath of fresh air after that boring brinkmann track on the cd.
>(acctually there is a donnacha costello track in between ..........

I really like the Brinkmann track. In fact I wish there were more tracks
like this on it.  For my taste there are too many beat orientated, too
musical, tracks on this release. It seems as if anything can pass a glitch
music just by adding a clicky rhythm to what is basically electronica. Call
me a purist but I think they could have culled a few tracks and made it a
2CD release. The Vladislav Delay track is a bit disapointing. I'm sure he
could have provided something much more suitable.  But overall its a good
album, I certainly don't regret buying it.

>brinkmann him self said that the stuff off of klick is not really to be
>listened to its more about the  concept of cutting your own grooves into
>records then any thing else. Wierd since that is some thing I would expect
>to hear coming out of christian marckelys mouth and not Thomas

He often says things just for their effect. Take it with a grain of salt. I
think it was him (I could be wrong) that said that his music owed
absolutely nothing to dub. yeah sure!

Ian Andrews
Metro Screen

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