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Re: [microsound] earphone microphonesandreas
--- Jonas Lindgren <jonas@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > this type of mic's was popular in sweden during
> the
> > 90's, especially for bootlegging live-concerts.
> are these earphone microphones anything like >Frank
Dec's frankenstein
>earphone radio controls?
hm, never heard of them...sounds kind of interesting
> though!!
> // jonas
well, personally I would really like to get hold of a
couple of those, I saw a pair in G?teborg in sweden a
couple of years back when I was living there, but as
far as I know the main problem was that you couldn't
move your jaw an inch while recording, since all
"cranial activities" such as yawning, coughing,
sneezing, spitting or just plain talking would be
recorded 10 times louder than anything else, so you
had to be really still and preferably stand with your
mouth wide open to get a louder signal to the mikes,
pretty silly, but still, pretty cool.
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