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Re: [microsound] Lotza Mini-Reviews/Loop Orchestra

>The Loop Orchestra: The Analog Years
>           "              : Suspense *both of these are collections of their
>long transforming analog tape loop 	soundscapes.  It seems to me this
>technique is focused on in the Australian electronic music scene more so
>than any where else in the world (obvious example- the unconquerable Severed
>Heads :)

The Sydney electronic music scene to be precise.  One of the Loop
Orchestra's core members, Richard Fielding, was in fact one of the original
members of the Severed Heads (up until about 82 I think). However, the Loop
Orchestra are quite unique in that all of their music is made by mixing
(live) from a number of tape recorders each of which runs loops made up by
each member of the group. So its always an orchestra of tapeloops. They use
no other instruments.

Ian Andrews:  The Horse He's Sick, Disco Stu, Hypnoblob, Sanity Clause,
NBP, Organarchy, Subvertigo.....Lymph, Borgia Ginz...
PO box A387 Sydney South NSW 1235 Australia