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Fallt/invalidObject Series
Dear All,
Regarding the status of the invalidObject Series CDs...
Apologies if I don't always respond to each and every question
personally, but I've been trying to keep everyone updated by posting to this
and a select number of other lists.
Firstly, a small but salient, point. Contrary to popular opinion, I do not
run Fallt full-time. I have a full-time job, hence the seemingly
inexplicable pauses in communication from this corner of the world; believe
me, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm merely rushed off my feet. I also have a
wife and two small children who, recently, I never seem to see.
The reason is, largely, that I seem to have spent a disproportionate amount
of my life over the last several months at printers, organising re-pressings
of faulty CDs, etc., etc., etc.
I hope the following will give as clear an indication as possible to where
the Series currently stands.
As many of you will know through personal correspondence it would be
an understatement to say that, with the benefit of hindsight, attempting
to release a full 24 CD Series in one go is anything but easy. Needless to
say, by trying to release everything simultaneously any technical difficulty
affecting even one CD holds up all the CDs.
I'll resist the urge to make promises ("they're due to be released
"pretty soon"..."). Suffice to say, Cara (my wife), Ross (my 3.5 year old
son) and Caitlin (my 1.5 year old daughter) look forward to the day when we
stop tripping over the 4,500 + CD jewel cases and 8,000 + 3" CDs that appear
to have over-run our house. So...
The CDs are pressed. All are fine, bar two which are being repressed due to
an audio glitch (in one case) and a visual glitch (in the other). The rest
are (see above) taking over our house. The jewel cases are here, ready to
go. The last component in production is (are?) the inserts.
I'm literally just back from three hours at the printer's checking
wet proofs and find myself asking: Why do we insist on trying to push the
technical envelope! (?!@#$%!).
Specifically there was the following technical problem: To overprint a
metallic ink with a solid layer of black (i.e. what we are trying to achieve
for Akira Rabelais' 'Void' CD) is technically very difficult as the black
refuses to adhere to the metallic substrate. Needless to say
overprinting/obliterating an entire layer of ink is not your average
run-of-the-mill process so a great deal of painstaking explanation was
required (i.e.: "Please: Just do what I ask you!")
Hence the three hours at the printers (my long-suffering wife Cara was
hauled in for a second opinion). We managed to develop a workaround
which involves passing the inserts through the press a total of eight times
(EIGHT!) for a two colour job and allowing for a one hour drying time
between each pass.
We finally returned home well after 22.00, tired and hungry, but with a
sheet of proofs that we were happy with and which (surprise) added another
layer of clutter to the house.
So, to the burning question: when will all this be ready? The inserts should
be ready by Monday (that's 04 June) by which time we'll endeavour to package
and post out as many orders as we can. The boxed sets (of which there are
only 100 - and very few remaining) will need to wait until the two
outstanding CDs are re-pressed. The plant assures us though that this will
be "...within the next week".
I hope the above answers some of the questions and I can only apologise for
what has been a very lengthy procedure, but I'm absolutely confident that
the wait will be worthwhile.
Take care,
| """..NOW PLAYING..00.02.0001---||||...
| 0000
| XXXX¨¨¨¨JOHN FAHEY | CITY OF REFUGE --------------------- <>
| 0000 \\\\..\\\\
http://www.fallt.com | info@xxxxxxxxx