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Re: [microsound] Fallt/invalidObject Series
> Dear All,
> Regarding the status of the invalidObject Series CDs...
> Apologies if I don't always respond to each and every question
> personally, but I've been trying to keep everyone updated by posting to this
> and a select number of other lists.
> Firstly, a small but salient, point. Contrary to popular opinion, I do not
> run Fallt full-time. I have a full-time job, hence the seemingly
> inexplicable pauses in communication from this corner of the world; believe
> me, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm merely rushed off my feet. I also have a
> wife and two small children who, recently, I never seem to see.
hi chris
I hope that everyone understands you, and I definitely second that even running
a label full-time isn't enough to achieve everything you want to do. I'm on it
at least 16 hours a day and still constently in a rush...
I'm sure that the series will be well worth the wait... probably like when you
really need to pee on the road to ssomewhere and can't stop, the more you wait
the better it feels...
ambient landscapes, creative and melodic musica...
SPACEHADS and MAX EASTLEY : the time of the ancient astronaut [bleep 04]
A world of high opera and tipsy beats that then cascades with a metallic
pounding. Haunting trumpet melodies over soft drones and
textures sets the mood. The music takes on cinematic proportions as the terrain
unfolds. Interstellar landscapes are revealed.
MAX EASTLEY plays The Arc. A nine foot long mono chord. One string stretched
over wood and played with a bow or glass rods.
The pitch is changed by flexing the wood. The string can also be shortened with
clips. It is then fed into electronic effects.
The SPACEHEADS is a duo mixing trumpet and electronics with drums and
percussion. Plaintive trumpet calls are looped across
pulsing beats that propel us into sheets of metal crashing and vibrating
through tiny pick ups cranked to the full and then spun into
electronic webs.