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free music is back!

because your entertainment comes at our own expense

2001.06.04 - FREE MUSIC IS BACK!

+ http://www.notype.com

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it's been a mess, but we're back online.

as you may recall, the server no type sits on has been struck by an
attack from chinese crackers, retaliating against a similar attack by
their equally clueless U.S. counterparts.  the initial U.S. strike was
done following the april 1st "spy plane" affair.  chinese
counter-attacks are said to have hit only 1000 servers, but we had to
sit on one of them!

so thank you, now we know that paranoid xenophobia is still going strong
in the U.S. (that explains how puppet junior got into office). 
likewise, we now realize that people who should know better, waste their
time attacking sites which have nothing to do with their cause.

it took a while to get back online, but we must thank our admin,
brander, for taking time off his finals to help the matter & reconfigure
his server using a new operating system & so forth, meaning we should
now be less vulnerable to such attacks in the future.

but hey, that's it now.  the site is back up.  the music is available
again.  maybe you'll see a weird thing or two along the way which we
forgot to fix.  if so, please inform us!

for now, go to <http://www.notype.com> & enjoy our recent free releases
by kanito, morceaux_de_machines & zammuto!

thank you for your patience, & take care.

~ david <david.t@xxxxxxxx>

more info about the so-called cyberwar 
(featuring the ever-so-dubious "anti-hacker slant" we've grown to love
from corporate press):
+ http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nf/20010510/tc/9634_1.html
+ http://www.NewsFactor.com/perl/story/9203.html