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Re: [microsound] MAX/MSP list????
I might be wrong but I think that when you subscribe on the web through
cycling74 you get a choice of receiving the messages through email (and even
you can choose the format - digest/individual).
hope this helps.
on 6/8/01 11:48, Anthony Saunders at anthonysaunders@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> i have been trying hard to get on the max/msp list for
> about a week and i can't find the link anywhere. the
> "discussion lists" link on c74 just brings you to a
> web board, and all the google searches on max/msp list
> or max list just bring up ancient archives...
> so does anyone have explicit instructions on how to
> get on the max/msp list? i am just begining to use max
> and i like it so far even if i've done nothing useful
> yet...
> anyhow, thank you.
> Anthony
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