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Re: [microsound] Kyma?

Jonas Lindgren wrote:

> > i advocate kyma system but i fully understand that
> > it is not the solution for everyone.
> if i have understod it right, you actually program
> patches, and have to learn the programing language,
> right!? that kind of scares me away... i want physical
> control, and my nord modular and reaktor gives me
> that... but that's just me

It comes with a whole ton of preset patches/modules.
Which parameters can all be assigned to a MIDI
controller (such as the PC-1600 or the CM Automation
http://cmautomation.com/ ).   And the software sends
back MIDI information to the controller so the faders
move when you play back the sequence. Each module can be
dropped onto a sequence timeline.  And all parameters
can be controlled in real time.  Each module can also
be patched into another module and routed whereever.

It seems like a very flexible machine and you don't have
to get into the programming world.

Check out:


Kerry Uchida

Although Mr. Spielberg was reluctant to assess the impact that his
generation of filmmakers has had, he has very definite ideas of where
movies have come since the 70's ? and what have been the most important
technical and creative innovations that have changed them.

"To me, it's sound," Mr. Spielberg said. "To me, the biggest
breakthrough in the last 50 years, certainly since Cinerama in the 50's,
is the sound. When I think of the sonic experience of the first time I
heard Dolby stereo demonstrated at the American Film Institute years and
years ago, it was then that I realized that we are making sound
We could do a lot with sound, we could even tell a story with sound. And
when we brought the best of sound together with the best of visuals in
the 80's and 90's, you were able to show audiences so much more of the
movie than they otherwise would have experienced."

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