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Richard Devine in L.A. (thank you!)
.:- pax -/- e l m conceptions -:.
_|. dD o2 was (for us) unbelievable, due largely in part to the energy of
the crowd. to those who attended; we cannot thank you enough! .|_
_|. we obviously were not prepared for the amount of people who turned out,
and we apologize for the jam at the door and the heat of the room. we hope
all were satisfied! |_
:-|. much respect to Richard Devine and lexaunculpt, who completely blew our
minds, and pax imprint for bringing the show together .|-:
_|.: look for future pax inspired events and e l m exhibitions :.|_
=\info. can be found at our newly reconstructed website/=
time equals art
[-'^>thank you for supporting the subterranean<^'-]
-=_ sincerely _=-