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Re: [microsound] :reminder::transmit 7/16:

true enough.....Last year I didn't hear any mention on this list about the
two great nights with Ryoji Ikeda in Montreal....I should have posted
something about it myself.

At 02:06 PM 16/07/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>>Here's an idea: howz about twine starts their own list and stops inundating
>>me with this crap?  Mr. Moderator?
>>I shall start a microsound-m-is-for-moderated list.  Who's with me?
>>Let's see how many paragraphs it takes some of you to respond to this.
>on this topic,
>this list is for discussion AND information.
>the posting of events and releases pertinent to the topics and theme 
>of the list i think are justified.
>if you dont want to read a message all you have to do just hit delete 
>and you never have to worry about reading the info and its out of 
>your hair  : )
>R I C H A R D C H A R T I E R
>Series  [ LINE, US ] CD  awarded
>typeof  [ Fallt, N.Ireland ] 3" CD  http://www.fallt.com
>decisive forms  [ Trente Oiseaux, Germany ] CD http://www.trenteoiseaux.com
>3 compositions on chronologi: 12k year 1 - year 4   [ Instinct 
>Records, US ] 2CD
>"filer" on clicks & cuts 2  [ Mille plateaux, Germany ] 2CD
>"010101" on between two points  [12k/LINE, US ] 2CD http://www.12k.com
>Layeral Intersect #2: psuedosphere  [ Deadtech/Anechoic, US ] CD, July 2001
>LIVE. Diapason Gallery, New York, August 4  http://www.diapasongallery.com
>LIVE. TRANSMISSIONS 004 Festival, Chicago, August 10, 2001
>DJ. FILLER @ Blue Room [ Washington, DC ] Sundays 
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>For additional commands, e-mail: microsound-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>website: http://www.microsound.org