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Re: [microsound] promoter/live contacts in Denver?

hi chad,

thanks for the note... basically, i have a good friend in denver who
i've known for a long time but haven't seen... i love the denver
area.. and getting a gig there would be a good opportunity to see
hime... but, i'm also looking for plane fare for me and my wife..
which would be payment enough for a gig... playing at the musem of
contemporary art would be fantastic.... soma would be fine, too..
(although i would probably prefer the museum)... would either place
have the budget to buy 2 plane tickets from NYC to denver. ?

how far is boulder from denver?

i'm thinking some time in september or something... also, other 12k
artists (richard chartier, shuttle358, kim casone, steve roden,
etc...) could be involved as well....

let me know..



 This is Chad from Twine.  I live in boulder just up the road from
Denver.  It's difficult to set up electronic music shows here.  You
could try the Bluebird theatre in Denver.  That is the same venue
where Square Pusher and Plaid are perfomring next month.  The guy
you need to talk to is Peter.  The number for the office is

I've been doing gigs at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art and a
place called Soma.  I could arrange a gig for you at soma which is a
could club and does bring in a good crowd.  It would be a Sunday
night though.  I am friends with Eric who books that space on that

Let me know what you are interested in and when.  If things work out
you need a place to stay you are welcome to saty at my house.  I
have an extra room.

Best of Luck,
Chad Mossholder
Twine/Twinesound Audio Productions
--"The original is unfaithful to the copy." Jorge Luis Borges

From: taylor deupree <taylor@xxxxxxx>
Reply-To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [microsound] promoter/live contacts in Denver?