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Re: [microsound] autechre's new direction?

I have to say that a friend of mine (Chris Clepper of BAR, just finished
doing the video for the Takemura/Tortoise show) said the same.  He said
that he knows Rob and Sean and that they primarily use MAX/MSP and a
Nord.  The Nord is used for ambient textures and they have a MAX/MSP patch
that does some sort of stochastic drum/percussion texturing (can't
remember exactly what he called it).  That's it.  He also didn't really
have very kind words to say about the IDM list, suggesting that many of us
are, basically, trainspotters.  Since some of us here refer to ourselves
that way, I guess he's not wrong.  But I have found many interesting
conversations about the flotsam and jetsum in this and the IDM list.

I have to say for myself, I haven't been that interested in Autechre, so I
don't have much to add to that part of the conversation.  I will say that
if your algorhythms are uninteresting or completely random it's just not
going to come out that good.  So not being specific to Autechre or 
anything, but granular synths, cloud formants and rnd() functions don't
automatically add up to something that's going to warm me.  I
personally *like* a human touch to my glitch.  Otherwise I could just wire
my hard drive outputs up to a preamp and listen to it go.

Much of this software (and hardware) is the equivalent of using a
Photoshop filter.  It takes a creative and hard-working person to actually
use it without calling attention to itself.  I don't want to hear the
tools at work when listening, I want to hear the creator's voice.  But the
lines are blurring...the algorhythm is becoming the voice.  Not sure what
I think of that.  I guess that's fine, too, as long as the same dilligence
applies to the programming.

Blah, blah, blah...

Christopher Sorg 
Multimedia Artist/Teacher 

On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, Neil Wiernik wrote:
> I was under the impression that they are using max/msp most recently...

> On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, ben nevile wrote:
> > By the way, are we sure Autechre use a Kyma?  Fearless loser that I am, I
> > asked all the annoying gear questions in an interview this spring.  The Kyma
> > was never mentioned.