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Re: [microsound] Softsynths and orginality
>I think the decision on whether something ought to be released or not
>depends on how much balls the person has. I heard a track a while back
>that I swear was nothing but the AudioMulch Sheppard Tones generator
>for several minutes. And you know what - it worked - even though I was
>familiar with the software that produced the sound, I really enjoyed
>the piece. The fact that someone went to the trouble of recording and
>releasing it, the fact that an experienced experimental DJ went to the
>trouble of playing it , caused a re-contextualization.
A readymade, in the sense of Duchamp, in fact.
I had a discussion the other day with a friend who argued that we should,
when talking about works of art (music video, etc.), replace the word
"originality" with the word "unique," because "originality" carries the
Romantic baggage of "artist as genius," self-consiousness, etc. And
originality, in most cases, does not exist (at least in a pure form). But
the readymade is a strange exception. When it works, you could say that it
is carries with it something perhaps original (for want of a better word),
maybe even genius, but that it has an absolute zero degree of uniqueness.
Ian Andrews
Metro Screen
Email: i.andrews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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