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RE: [microsound] nn spew
If you want to know then join the 55 list and you can listen to nn
bullshit all day if you want or you can join the max/msp list and really
learn a thing or two about programing and doing what you need to do...
to ge things done using max/msp besides once david rockeby releases
softVNS, nato and the cult of nn will be gone!
No more of her monopoly on the max real time video her and her mafia ways
will all but be an even bigger joke!
On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Christopher Sorg wrote:
:::> (re)posting nn's personal slams against the employees of Cycling 74 is
:::> really uncalled for...if someone has a beef with how Cycling 74 conducts
:::> its business then please take it up with the company directly...nothing
:::> positive comes from posting nn spew here...
:::It may be off-topic, I'm not sure, but I sure found it to pique my
:::curiosity...interestingly enough the only people responding to those posted
:::comments were members of Cycling'74 themselves, defending themselves, of
:::course. I assume that Cycling'74 has only half of the story, right?
:::Besides, I learned a lot from investigating the dispute and discovered more
:::about Max/MSP in the process. I'd like to know more about NN's claims,
:::however. I mean, it's not like Cycling'74 is giving us their software, the
:::posts are somewhat disturbing and many people are still using NATO as a
:::professional performance tool (for example, the Nobakuza Takemura/Tortoise
:::show). Being an informed consumer is an okay thing, even for IDMers. I am
:::*not* suggesting by any means, to engage in rumor-mongering. Max/MSP, I am
:::now convinced, is a fine tool and deserving of it's reputation and the hard
:::work put into it, but I don't think it helps to just sweep the comments
:::under the bed, all hush-hush like. Think of the newbies, at least...
:::Christopher Sorg
:::Multimedia Artist/Instructor
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Neil Wiernik