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A New Macintosh Csound Initiative by Matt Ingalls

Dear Colleagues & Friends,

Below is a new initiative and proposal by Matt Ingalls that might
be of interest especially to Macintosh-based electronic musicians
such as yourself or your students. Please forgive the cross-posting.

As some of you know, Csound has been making
some incredible strides over the past year.  For instance,
the recent Direct Csound by Gabriel Maldonado includes
GUI opcodes, now allowing one to develop stand-alone
graphical-based controllable real-time Csound orchestras.

But, by comparison, the Macintosh port of Csound has been
creeping along ever since Matt Ingalls stopped working
on it a couple of years ago.  In fact MIDI doesn't even work
in the newest version - 4.13 (it did in 4.05... but many of
the newer opcodes aren't working in there... you see
the problem?)

Well, Matt is back... with a new initiative and a new
proposal that could, in the long run, lead to a
version of Csound that runs as a VST plugin.

You might want to read about Matt's plan and
consider supporting his new initiative with suggestions,
ideas, bug reports, or a new vision that you believe
will make the Mac Os9.1 and OsX versions really
something you could use and teach with.

You can find links to ALL the new Csound stuff
at http://csounds.com/ and there you can also
find out how to join the Csound mailing list.

Please forward this email to any and all of your
Macintosh computer music friends - especially
if they were into Csound (even a little)... and
send your suggestions, bug reports, wish-list,
complaints, and ideas about how the language,
especially the macintosh version, might be improved

richard boulanger <rboulanger@xxxxxxxxxxx>
matt ingalls <matt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
john ffitch <jpff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Thanks for taking the time to read this note.
Now let's get back to the joy and pain of making

Wishing you all a productive summer,

Richard Boulanger

p.s.  Here is Matt Ingalls proposal:


Hi Mac CSounders -

For the past week and a half i have been working on an ALPHA version of
a totally new version of Mac CSound --> i stripped-out mac-specific
code from "perf" and compiled it as a shared library "plugin" that will
potentially allow many features we have always wanted in mac CSound!
i have also started a totally new "front-end host" written in
C++/Powerplant, which at this point already has:

	- pseudo-reentrant Perf [no lauch/relaunching!]
	- cooperative multitasking [you can run more than 1 perf at once!]
	- a simple text editor
	- project window that easily switches among views [orc/sco/output/etc]
	- playback of sound file
	- realtime rendering

This currently runs on OS9[and earlier?] only, but transitioning to OSX
should be very easy - Perf already compiles as a Carbon Lib, and there
are only a few instances in the Front-End that are not Carbon-Compliant.

Here is my proposal: ++++++++++++++++++++++++ i am currently willing, wanting, and able to develop fulltime for the next couple of months on this new version of csound. to achieve this, i am requesting donations from all interested mac csound users -- this would really help me out and would help ensure that this next stage in the mac port gets completed! I have setup an online donation through paypal.com, or you can go directly to the address on the web site.

If you are at all interested, please take a look at my web page's list
of proposed features, download the alpha [it might be a bit slow, as its
on my home server], and please email me any comments, feature requests,
bug reports, or other great things you have always wanted to have in mac
CSound.  i can see many directions for this new development but want to
know what the general priorities/interests/wishes are.

Anyway, here is the web page:

Thanks for your interest, consideration, and understanding -
i look forward to your feedback!

           matt  ingalls

 Dr. Richard Boulanger
 Professor - Music Synthesis Department
 Berklee College of Music
 1140 Boylston Street  - Boston, MA  02215-3693
 Office Phone: (617) 747-2485   Office Fax: (617) 747-2564
 Email: csound@xxxxxxxxxxxx  OR  rboulanger@xxxxxxxxxxx

 Everything Csound http://csounds.com/
 The Csound Book http://csounds.com/book/
 The Csound Catalog with MP3 Audio http://csounds.com/catalog/
 The Csound Book (2nd Printing) CD-ROMS http://www.csounds.com/cdroms/
 The Csound FrontPage @ MIT Press http://www.csound.org/