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Re: [microsound] Janek Schaefer US tour dates +

hey all -

i had the good fortune to be able to go to this event on the 4th here in NYC. all the performers were excellent.

i had never seen janek perform before - and was quite impressed. his set was oceanic and quite relaxing. as he said "it sounds like glacers of ice". he performs using (amongst other things) a two armed turntable he built himself. if you are in the area for any of his remaining gigs, you owe it to yourself to go. you won't be disappointed.

taylor's set sounded like a hot august night in lousiana. perfect for the weather we've been having around here lately. absolutely beautiful. afterward i got the chance to speak to taylor. what a gentleman he is. additionally, taylor is playing this thursday in CA, and if you are in the area, you owe it to your self to go to see him as well.

Michael Schumacher & Tim Barnes set was quite unique. a one gentleman on percussion and the other on ty-book. the controlled chaos and entropy were abundant but to over whelming. they played quite well off of each other, and for me, the performance was riveting.

unfortunately mr. chartier had an injury and was unable to attend the evening.

all in all (with the exception of the funky feet smell) it was a great night.



Janek Schaefer US Tour 2001

Aug 4th
NYC @ Diapason:
Janek Schaefer
Richard Chartier
Taylor Deupree
Michael Schumacher & Tim Barnes
NYC @Tonic, midnight show:
Janek Schaefer with I-Sound
Crumbles Recovery

Aug 5th
Baltimore @  Mission Space:
Janek Schaefer
Backbreakerneckbrace and guests

August 6th
Pittsburgh @ Millvale Industrial Theater:
Janek Schaefer
Kracfive All-Stars
Vance Stevenson

August  7th
Cleveland @ Speak in Tongues:
Janek Schaefer
The Mahoning
Vance Stevenson

August  9th
Chicago: Transmissions Festival @ Subterranean:
Janek Schaefer
Vote Robot
Randall Jones
+ DJs Kevin Drumm/Pita

August 11th
Detroit @ Entropy Studios
Janek Schaefer
The Hearing Trumpet
Motor City Butoh

August 12th
Toronto: venue to be announced [contact roughidea@xxxxxxxxx for details]
Janek Schaefer
Martin Tetreault

rj valeo


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