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Re: [microsound] dell lappy

Great, You kids have fun with your Dells. Remember me a few months from
now when you're at your doctor getting a prescription for xanax.


I just had to lug my DESKTOP into what was a essentially a crackhouse in
the jungles of vietnam because we couldn't get my piece of shit I8K to not
glitch, using either the internal crapper or an external US-428.

My main application uses Direct-X, not ASIO, and the glitching and cut
outs happen in several other apps. All I know is that I'm selling my
Inspiron on MONDAY (I'll post the link for those who want one and don't
believe me), as the camels back has officially been broken. That thing is
a terribly engineered piece of junk, and I do not recommend that anybody
buy one if they intend to do anything serious with digital audio. Dell
refuses to acklowledge or fix this problem (it's been nearly a YEAR since
it was first discovered), and they fucking suck.

Once again, check out the Inspiron audio forums at delltalk.us.dell.com. 
You'll find hundreds of posts on this subject.

With the money I recoup on the dell. I'm buying an IBM Thinkpad. 
I highly recommend these. A few close friends use them, and they are
solid, solid, solid.


On Sat, 11 Aug 2001, k michael babcock/alluvion wrote:
