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re: Transmissions Festival

pardon my two cents, but to clarify - 
transmissions has never been an exercise in 
profit making.  as contrived as it may seem, it 
really exists beyond that...

i tend to hemorrhage money every year, and this year 
was absolutely no exception. and yes - of course, festival 
programming would indeed be a bit different if intel were 
sponsoring.... that's why all three of us have personally 
absorbed expenses over the years. 

and to richard's point - the Wire was not a "financial"
sponsor, and Cycling '74's $$ contribution was minimal
(though the on-site support and presence of gregory taylor
was phenomenal and this year's festival couldn't have 
manifested itself in quite the same way otherwise).

i understand the difficulty that higher ticket prices exerts 
upon individual attendees.  at the same time, i also feel
that it's significant that we had great numbers of people 
that offered to support the process of the festival by 
purchasing tickets and attending events.  there aren't 
necessarily many certainties for events without underwritten 
or funded budgets.  transmissions has only continued to occur 
because of the support of related artists, festival attendees 
and the tenacity of unconditionally giving staff members and 

my apologies to those of you who felt tickets were excessively 
priced.  our personal investments and ticket sales largely fund
the festival.  the event with skuli sverrisson and ikue mori
last night at the cultural center was entirely free - 
and it also happened to be one of my most personally 
appreciated sonic moments of the week. but i think it perhaps  
indexed the fact that our intentions were not rooted in 
financial gain (or even breaking even).

my gratitude for each and every one of you that came out
is present.  and though transmissions exacts months of planning 
and tends to voraciously consume vast amounts of time, energy, 
and money - we're still here. and love this.


keenan mcdonald  |  director
fourth annual transmissions festival 
http://transmit.org  |  k@xxxxxxxxxxxx
po box 257213 chicago il 60625  u s a
____________ _ __ _ _  _  _  _ _ _ 

>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: richard chartier
>   To: microsound
>   Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 11:13 PM
>   Subject: [microsound] re: Transmissions Festival in Chicago
>   >
>   >I don't know many people who could afford to go to many of the shows.
>   >Ticket prices were truly ridiculous.
>   compared to shows i have gone to it was quite comparable...
>   its not as if it was a $100 madonna ticket.
>   for example the night i performed ... i think $15 for 5 artists
>   several travelling from europe is rather fair.
>   $15 ridiculous? the price of a CD? come on now....
>   >Shame on both the promoters and the
>   >artists.
>   now this just seems like a big bowl of sour grapes...
>   i would try to explain the logistics of puttting together a large
>   scale event to try to illustrate the large amounts of costs that go
>   into these things.. but i think you would prefer just to to grumble
>   about it .
>   >You'd think with big money sponsors like 'The WIRE' and 'C74'
>   >things would be alittle better ;)
>   sponsors doesnt always equate to big money,...
>   its not like pepsi or intel was sponsoring it
>   >
>   >Microsound = Ex-ravers trying to disguise themselves as the avant garde.
>   >Can't fool us.
>   goodness gracious... someone is a very bitter little person....
>   : )
>   i thought it was wonderful festival.
>   i say "hats off" to keenan and her crew!!
>   richard
>   --
>   R I C H A R D C H A R T I E R
> -