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[microsound] digital dub, slightly OT

in light of recent posts re Pole, Vladislav Delay, and others who wear a dub influence on their sleeve....

I've always considered dub to be one of the foremost non-academic precursors to microsound. Think about it: carribean primitives manhandling the white man's Echoplexes and Space Echoes, the result of which is goofy, trippy dub. Granted, these effect units were _consumer electronics_, so it's not too difficult to imagine them being used by consumers, but these effects units literally transformed the roots music of jamaica into some cosmic electronic warble.

Formally, this sounds quite a bit like the microsounders I know, people who appropriate the tools of the man (laptops, whatever) in order to fabricate unintended [glitchy], barely audible sound fields.

Finest dub album that potentially resonates with Microsound/Pole-ish territory: I choose Prince Far I's Cry Tuff: Dub Encounter Three. David Toop is even on it... lots of wiggy synths, spaced out flutes, very tasteful. The rhythms aren't so much destabilized by the echo as they are extended, transformed beyond a timekeeping device into a helicopter thwump thwump thwump thwump that underscores the tonal aspects of the song.

of course, a close friend of mine would (and does) argue that the infamous King Tubby snare timbre sounds "...like he's dropping a mike stand on the floor. Repeatedly."

Bob maynard

From: "scott allison" <lipistal3@xxxxxxxxxxx>

speaking of dub, if you like electronic dub, I highly recommend vladislav
delays cd "ele" on sigma. not the one that was re-released, thats one is
good, but the original sigma release is my fav. work by him. 3 stunning long
tracks, and they were recorded live at something called the rainy day
festival in finland if i remember correctly.

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