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[microsound] full swing edits
while i was celebrating ee, random inc, nerve net noise -
i finally received the finishes of the first three parts of the full swing
edits series, just unpacked them, listened and can tell that i'm very happy
with them. the vinyl premastering is made by stefan betke and they sound
very good and the artwork by alorenz is just beautiful*
the series will be released one after another, a slab of vinyl every month
until december.
for mp3s/further info please go to
and / or
thank you
- stephan
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stephan mathieu
o r t h l o r n g m u s o r k and myself proudly announce -
full swing edits -
sound is born and quickly fades. while timbral sediment lingers in both
space and perception, the source is immediately transformed through the
maintenance of the audible present. memory struggles with the task of
recording this present, in parallel to fabricating the simulated lives of
previous presents.
edits is one such set of memory's labour. based upon the recorded sounds of
others, edits prolongs the originals through recreation where large time
scale development gives the illusion of stasis--sound without death.
although sound itself is fated, its offspring remain.
a limited series of five 10inch records by full swing (stephan mathieu)
with complete cd to follow:
> antenne. [going nowhere] edit
a remix for the danish triphop band made of material from their selftitled
album on korm plastics
> monolake. [postcard] edit
source material taken from monolake's gobi cd on imbalance
> autopoieses. c [ ] edit
> autopoieses. d03 edit
made of two locked grooves from autopoieses' double-12inch la vie a noir
transposed on mille plateaux.
> laub. [weit weg] edit
made for berlin based laub's intuition remixes album on kitty-yo int.
> ekkehard ehlers. [spaeter] edit
a remix for ehlers' critically acclaimed betrieb album for mille plateaux.
safety scissors wrote in groove 01/06 -
A trickling ooze of 10"s begins to seep out of Orthlonrg Musork with the
fifth release. This is the first in a series of five 10"s, all secreted by
Stephan Mathieu after he ingested audio material from other sound making
people. On this first 10", out comes the completely digested sounds of
Monolake and Antennae. I can almost remember the bubbling primordial soup
that I myself popped out of billions of years ago when listening to these
soupy pieces. The Antenna edit on side A, "Going Nowhere", is spilling with
an airy and ephemeral tonality which contrasts the stark and eerie tone of
the Monolake edit, "Postcard". Both of the pieces make me hungry, this is
because the sounds on the record remind me of the sounds my stomach makes
when it is eating itself ... or maybe its more like the sounds my noisy and
empty refrigerator makes during the night. Either way this music is quite
appropriate for your consumption. Thors ors rorlly grort musork.