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[microsound] "akustische merve baendchen"

>> | i'm crying for the original ritornell design. i loved it (*sigh*) 
>> |  - st
> the impression is that
> not many people
> |besides you and me|
> liked it...

angela liked it (well shes biased as she made that concept*)
but i know a lot of people who fell on their ass when they saw it.

i'm definetely no big fan of cd series with a library like look, mostly 
because i'm too much of a friend of coverdesign that goes hand in hand with 
the music.
when i visited alorenz last year she said "oh, have you seen the ritornell 
series?", i havent and was shocked, said "ooo, i'd like to have a cover 
like that". "go, send them some music"
i did not but some days later the phone rang and i was asked for a track 
for rit10, the maschinelle strategeme comp.
i like the combination of colours and signs, the beautiful empty fields. i 
think every artist/release has its very own cover.

but who cares?! its dead and gone now!

   |--- -- | --- | - -| ||

   stephan mathieu