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RE: [microsound] algorithmic composition resources
Do you knw Xenakis's 'Formalized music' (Pendragon Press 1992)? I think its
something like youre looking for. (I havent read it myself though i will be
owning a copy soon)
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Cronin <Dave@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: 'microsound' <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 11:01 PM
Subject: [microsound] algorithmic composition resources
> hey all,
> hope there's still some computer music nerds still hanging around after
> last little blow-up (?!).
> i'm wondering if anyone knows of any good resources for "algorithmic
> composition." i've got a math degree so it's alright (good) if the
> are fairly technical (though number theory isn't a personal specialty). I
> know that a lot of current work in this field is done CSound and MAX/MSP,
> but I'm more interested in theory than practice. (Plus I tend to use
> ;)
> anyways, thanks in advance for anything y'all can dig up.
> -dave
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