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Re: [OT] NYC: Skewed Media Images
I wanted to point on a good example of how our media
inadvertantly skews reality and adds fuel to the fire:
I'm sure most of you saw the Palestinians' rejoicing over
what befell America. It would have been "fine", though
not really necessary, to film this, IF they had balanced with
Palestinians who showed remorse and condmened the violence
(other than Arafat's politically obligatory speach). Those
Palestinians are the minority who rejoiced. Now we Americans
and much of the rest of the western world will have the image
of Palestinians (which many Americans equate with Arabs)
rejoicing at American deaths in our pysche for a long time to
come. This is sad, and is one of the many ways in which the media
and our government officials are making the worst situation even
I hope we all have the discrimination to ask, not what we are seeing,
but what *aren't* we seeing. (I personally find it very challenging!)
Candies passed out -
Jubilant children parade
Over Satan?s corpse
(a haiky inspired by the aforementioned media portrayal)
best wishes,
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