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Hi everyone, Jeremy Tolsma here... I noticed a few
days ago that I was not getting any more posts from
microsound in my email box.  It seems I was quietly
deleted from the microsound list for the 'sell it on
ebay' remark.

I was just going to go on with my life but then I read
Stockhausen's quote in the newspaper today and I was
struck with the irony; Stockhausen is a hero on this
mailing list, he could advocate eugenics as an artform
and nobody here would kick him off the list.  You'd
all be chatting him up and trying to kiss his ass.  Oh
sure a few of you have the guts to speak out against
him here but would you if he were on the list?  Didn't
think so.  You'd be burning too many bridges wouldnt
you.  It might affect your chances of moving from CD-R
to some yuppy vanity label.  

I see a few of you making excuses for old Stocky.. did
anyone make any fuss when I was kicked off this list? 
Did anyone know I was kicked off this list?  Does
anyone give a shit?  Didn't think so.

I think the majority of posters on this group are
braindead idol worshippers.  You have your classic
idols that are used to give this list a sense of
history and purpose, such as Stockhausen or Xenakis,
Cage or Riley etc, who never logged onto this list. 
Then you've got your resident idols who use the
mythology to exhalt themselves.  I'm referring to the
Kim Cascones and Taylor Duprees with their lesser
minions, the Ben Neviles and David Turgeons.  These
little clerics scurry around and suck each others
cocks in order to reinforce their hegemony. 

But things go topsy-turvey when one of the
mythological Gods makes extreme statements about
situations that the clerics have already banished
infidels for merely referencing.

"Dont be so senstive, Marc"


"I dont want to see poor Stockie have his character

Well I guess even 5000 people dying didn't help you
guys realize how stupid your little microsound group
grope is.  Its business as usual for all you slimy
fucks, eh?

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