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re: [microsound] satie on accordian

At 06:00 PM 9/21/01 -0700, richard chartier wrote:
there is a great cd that i have
piano music of erik satie
Teododoro Anzallotti
(on WINTER & WINTER, Germany)
i love accordians
doesnt everyone.

I will have to look for that one! As far as other interesting uses of accordian, Wergo has a CD of long cello and accordian duets by Cage and Hosokawa, in which the accordian is played as if it were a sho (mouth organ); it is a stunning recording. And as for de Leeuw, I will add another note of agreement; his approach to Satie on piano is my favorite, although one of my Satie-obsessed friends countered that the performances were too odd. Then again I like Gary Numan's Satie as well, and that of Akira Rabelais has just arrived in my mail box to offer further alternatives.

np - Schlammpeitziger (comp on Sonig)

Joshua Maremont / Thermal - mailto:thermal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Boxman Studies Label - http://www.boxmanstudies.com/