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Re: [microsound] food for thought
On Wednesday, October 3, 2001, at 08:20 PM, pelagius pelagius wrote:
If the tool is the message and the tool is a powerbook, is the message
any more than a glorified Apple advertisement?
I have dealt with this issue making digital art and music and these are
my personal conclusions:
-New technology in itself is often interesting. So is older technology.
In this way making computer music is similar to flower arranging.
-Technology provides interesting models for thought . Engagement with
high-tech structures (networks, control flow, object-oriented
programming) can provide useful ways of thinking about other things.
These models can be used independent of technology.
-A human art practice values human experience. The quality of my life is
decreased when I am isolated and deprived of rich sensory stimulation.
These principles have helped me relate to technology more healthily.