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rude buoy in the mix


Fancy listening to a lwrcse/microclicks+cuts/idm mix?

Head to http://www.stereo88.com/muusika/audio/djrudebouy_low.ram for the
lo-fi and
http://www.stereo88.com/muusika/audio/djrudebouy_high.ram for the hi-fi
version (the latter is, of course, the recommended one). And although I'm
not affiliated with http://www.stereo88.com in any way (they just
happened to like my mix), I would also like to point to the fact that some
of the other mixes there are rather good also (the electro mixes are very
nice, for example). Anyway, you will find the list of  mixes at

Also, to plug my own site (or, as the textual part of it is in Estonian,
just like Stereo88, rather its musical offerings), there's a hip-hop/jazz/etc mix
(Freestyle Session Vol. 2) by the co-creator of the site up at
http://www.record-geek.org/mixes/free2.ram, and you'll find the
tracklisting at http://www.record-geek.org/musa.php


'that boy needs therapy'