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Re: [microsound] Wired News :DJ Turns the Tables on Tradition

I believe that FinalScratch started on BeOS, but the dev team ported it to
something else ~ summer of last year which is why it has been in development
for so long?


----- Original Message -----
From: "ben phenix" <nobody@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: [microsound] Wired News :DJ Turns the Tables on Tradition

> :Oh and it uses BeOS. has anyone use this OS? just curious. it is supposed
> :a more multimedia oriented OS.
> i have used beOS almost daily for about three years now.  it was a
> very fine OS, but the fate of it is more uncertain than ever as they
> had to sell.  though the OS still outperforms my other ones, so
> there is no reason to give it up for some time.  they did get bought
> by palm so there is lots of hope, but little certainity.  there was
> some niffy, if a little underdeveloped, software out there.
> however, it never got a foothold big enough to get a lot of other
> business or developers behind it.  MS forbidding hardware vendors
> from offering dualboot machines was a big blow as they several
> major vendors lined up.
> beOS position itself as a multimedia OS and does those things
> wonderfully well.  another product beOS powers is the radar hard
> disk multi-tracker (http://www.otari.com/products/RADARII/) which i
> know has received rave reviews but i have never seen one myself.
> finalscratch was likely choose beOS for it high i/o performance.
> with my gina card i see about 3ms system latancy.
> b.
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