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Re: [microsound] Streaming microsound
'Net.radio' gets closer to 'real radio' just about every day. You know what
I mean: a thousand channels of just about the same content. I won't even get
started about 'net.tv', which seems like an even more anachronistic concept
from the get-go. The best net-streaming projects I have found provide unique
content balanced out with genuine opportunities for user involvement on the
community-building level. Many of the project coordinators have also become
friends of mine. Here are a few of them:
1) L'Audible: a website set up for "South Specific" (i.e. Australia, New
Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc.) sound art and ambient-flavored
experimental electronic music.
[[[If you are a web-programming geek, or even a wanna-be like me, the
RealPlayer interface itself deserves a bit of attention. My favorite thing
is to set it on random. there are several hours of material in their
archive, and it gets updated fairly often, so you will never get the same
playlist twice.]]]
2) XChange: this site is run by the Re-Lab/RIXC crew out of Riga, Latvia,
and provides the most comprehensive overview of the streaming media-arts
scene that I have ever found. The net-radio links section alone is worth a
[[[XChange also runs a list server for net-radio related postings. Take time
to sign up on your way through and see what kind of "community" I'm talking
3) Contour.net: based in Leipzig, Germany, the boys at Contour seem to catch
all the best acts on tour for their netcasts. They have RealAudio/Video
concerts from all the heavyweights: Pole, Pan Sonic, the Mille Plateux tour
feat. Vladislav Delay, the Raster-Noton.Oacis show in Berlin, the 20-2000
series live shows... Really amazing collection!
4) Radioqualia: Netherlands-based New Zealanders with a taste for
minimalism, philosophy and digital-electro-acoustic-experimentation.
5) TM Selector: another excellent net.radio guide out of the UK. Reviews and
links to find what you're REALLY looking for.
I'd be interested to see other microsounders suggestions, and also people's
personal webstreaming pages.
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