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Re: [microsound] Mac DJ software?

on 10/26/01 9:37 AM, --|.TWINE.|-- > at twine_sound@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Can anyone recommend a good DJ program for Mac?  Something like Traktor
> maybe.
> Thanks,
> Peace,
> Chad Mossholder
> Twine/Twinesound Audio Productions

  There is something called a 'Mixman' that is downloadable from'headspace'
or somewhere that I wasn't too enthralled by. . .  probably has its own mp3
format. One can purchase special files and mix them etc.

  My advice would be to use AIFF files( since your audience deserves the
best, though having never met them ,that is pure speculation on my part)
This opens up some options. There are Twerk's apps( dsu and Cameltoe 1.0)
with two file players; one can play a file while searching for another,
cross-fade etc., also add echo and even vst plug-ins. It takes a steady hand
on the(optical) mouse to make it smooth, however.

 For playing files continuously( no gaps) the Argeiphontes Lyre ( later
versions) works beautifully. I also like 'fielder' <<www.sonomatics.com>>
for scrubbing etc. and it is possible to copy the app. and play more than
one file at once.

 Other options include finding an old reel-to-reel tape recorder(preferably
tubes-for warmth) and used tape stock. Record songs with alot of emotion and
daring- leaving large gaps in between. That way the previous recording
shines through , making a nice juxtaposition or contrast.* the mac can then
be used mainly as a 'prop' or more obviously, a visual plaything.

 Another brilliant idea ( one I just thought of ) is to put contact
microphones on actual 33 1/3 vinyl records then wave them about , make
rustling sounds etc. ( these 'noises' could be processed by the Macintosh)
while the d.j.'s are wearing peter pan outfits.  Of course you need  to
consider your target audience , who you are trying to impress and why. The
aforementioned idea might be good for attracting intelligent women.