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CEAIT Festival 2002

CEAIT Electronic Music Festival 2002

FRIDAY, 1-11-2002 --------> SUNDAY, 1-13-2002

California Institute of the Arts
Roy O. Disney Music Hall
8:00pm --> Free 

The Center for Experiments in Art, Information, and Technology (CEAIT) is
holding its 5th annual festival of electronic music. Over the past four
years this student-organized festival has presented a wide range of
performances and installations by the likes of Elliot Sharp, Tim Perkis,
Kenneth Atchley, Larry Polansky, Blectum from Blechdom, Bob Gonsalves,  Ted
Apel, and Douglas Repetto.


We are accepting pieces that are no more than fifteen minutes in length.
Pieces can be composed for the following:  tape alone, video tape,
instrumental performers with tape or computer, live
electronics, or computer alone.
Audio installations will also be considered providing that the artist or
group be responsible for setting up and running any such piece.
For pieces involving performers, the composer should either be in
attendance or should make necessary arrangements for the performance.
For pieces with video, we will have a projector with VHS, DVD, or CD-Rom
playback available. All video submissions should be in the NTSC format.

Please include with each submission:
  -  bios  
  -  program notes 
  -  composer¹s or group's contact information including email
  -  a list of technical requirements

We can accept submissions on DAT, Compact Disc, VHS, CD-Rom, or DVD.  MP3
encoded audio files can also be emailed to: "festival02@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx".
Please put "CEAIT submission" in the subject line of any MP3 email

An individual composer or group may submit a maximum of two works for

Please note, in general the festival can not provide financial support for
any travel or production expenses. Any submitted materials can not be


All submissions should be postmarked by Saturday, December 1st, 2001 and
sent to the following address:

Send submissions to -->

California Institute of the Arts
CEAIT Festival 2002
School of Music
24700 McBean Parkway
Valencia, CA 91355

Email --> festival02@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Web Site --> http://shoko.calarts.edu/events/ceait02/index.html


CEAIT Festival Committee