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ELEKTRA festival in MTL

For people in MTL and around...


N.B Oval will be giving an Workshop/conference on friday the 9th à Le café
de L'Usine-C.  

1345 ave.Lalonde, Montreal, Metro Beaudry - Bus 125
(one street south of Ontario, between Visitation and Panet)


3rd edition

For immediate release
Octobre 24th 2001

The third ELEKTRA Festival will take place in Montreal between November
8th and the 17th: six evenings, spread over two weekends, of electronic
music, multimedia presentations and robotic performances. The ELEKTRA
series focuses on new electronic music and on linking the various
contemporary cultures resulting from the creative use of new
technologies. Presented in Usine C?s exceptional space, this year?s
festival will remain faithful to its goal of presenting events of a high
caliber, both artistically and technically (the L-Acoustics sound
system). To obtain the program, further information or background, or
photographs of ELEKTRA, please consult the current web site:
www.elektrafestival.ca .

Past ELEKTRA and ACREQ events have presented other important works from
an international repertory of multimedia and electroacoustic artists
such as Granular Synthesis, Ryoji Ikeda (Golden Nica - Ars Electronica
2001 - Digital Music), Pierre Henry and Karlheinz Stockhausen.

For the first time in Montreal, ELEKTRA welcomes the German artist
Markus Popp alias OVAL (Ars Electronica Prize for Digital Music, 2001)
along with the American / Austrian duo Nerve Theory.  The program also
includes spectacular robotic performances by Louis-Philippe Demers and
Istvan Kantor, alias Monty Cantsin, video-music pieces by Jean Piché and
PURFORM and the electroacoustic works of Yves Daoust and Louis Dufort.

Ist weekend: Jean Piché's SPIN and FausTechnology by PURFORM will open
ELEKTRA 2001 on Thursday November 8th. These multimedia pieces
(electronic music, computer animation and digital imagery) are
distinguished by the fact that they were explicitly conceived as
three-screen projections. The creation of one panoramic image across the
three 14 foot wide projection surfaces is a technical challenge. This
evening presents, for the first time, the DVD versions of these works
that were prepared for Quebec / New York 2001. The evening will also
mark the launching of PURFORM?s first CD+, the HiTek mix, on the Orange
Music label.

Repossessing the Body-Machine, the new performance by multi-disciplinary
artist Istvan Kantor aka Monty Cantsin will premiere in Montreal on
Friday November 9th. At ELEKTRA 1999, Istvan Kantor gave the astonishing
performance  ?Executive Machinery?. Still obsessed with office
furnishings, he returns this year with a new robotic installation, a
group of performers from Toronto and his most recent video works. The
performance ?Interactive Motion Media Transmission Machinery Performance
Concert ? reveals Istvan Kantor?s vision, a neoist panorama of
technological invasion and control: an ultra-utopian landscape dominated
by robotic machine-monuments for information storage, in turn managed by
computer controlled machine-bodies.

Saturday, November 10 marks the presence of the German musician Markus
Pop aka OVAL, who will present a live Powerbook performance. Markus Popp
probably enjoys the highest profile of all the current European
electronic music artists - an electronica ?star?. Please note that on
the previous evening, Friday at 6 p.m., he will talk about the Oval
Process project during a multimedia presentation in the Usine C's Café.
Nerve Theory proposes a video/sound performance that integrates the
imagery and the voice of New York artist Tom Sherman, along with the
music of Bernhard Loibner from Vienna. In the arena of contemporary
electroacoustic music, on the same evening, the Montreal composer Yves
Daoust will treat us to the first of three tableaux from Bruits. This
piece, conceived for eight channels, will be presented for the first
time in a version supported by a videowork by Jean Sébastien Durocher.
In addition, a first live-concert diffusion of Decap by Louis Dufort, a
25 minute work for tape which merited an honorary mention in this years
Digital Music category at the Ars Electronica Festival held every year
in Austria. On the same evening, at 6 p.m. in the Usine C's Café,
everyone is invited to the launch of both Yves Daoust?s latest CD and
latest releases on the empreintes DIGITALes label. Free.

One of the highlight of ELEKTRA is the robotic performance of
Louise-Philippe Demers presented on the second weekend, from the 15th to
the 17th of November. L?ASSEMBLEE sets up a kind of democratic assembly
constituted entirely of machines: 48 identical robotic limbs,
distributed across an impressive metal scaffold that evokes an arena.
With it?s 48 robots, electronic music and video projections this unique
performance provides an intense aural and visual experience. L?Assemblée
stimulates the audience?s psychological tendency to anthrophomorphize
and project onto machines, while remaining a commentary on the
machine-like nature of mankind and the humanity of machines.

ACREQ considers that broad public accessibility to electronic arts
events such as these is important and therefore maintains a policy of
inexpensive entry. Please note that on the opening night, November 8th
at 9 p.m., entrance is free. This is also the case for Markus Popp
(OVAL)?s presentation in the Usine C's Café on Friday, November 9th, at
6 p.m.


This year we want to highlight the presence of two important new
partners: Discreet and Cossette Interactif. These Montreal firms are, in
their different ways, involved in digital technologies. Discreet is one
of the primary companies to have designed sophisticated special effects
and digital animation software such as Inferno, Flint and Flame (used,
among others, by the leading Californian special effects studios) 3ds
max and Combustion. Cossette Interactif is a branch of Groupe Cossette
Communications, one of the most important marketing and communications
companies in Canada.  Cossette Interactif creates for its Canadian and
international clients, highly successful, integrated, interactive
communication solutions (corporate and commercial sites, on-line
advertising and promotion). Discreet has notably donated a range of
software for use by artists whose work will be presented in 2002.
Cossette Interactif designed and produced the web site for ELEKTRA 2001.
The site is hosted by ELEKTRA 2000?s main sponsor Aptilon, a company
which shapes innovative, electronic marketing solutions for the
pharmaceutical industry.

ACREQ, producer of the ELEKTRA festival, is supported by the Conseil des
arts et des lettres du Québec, the Canada Council for the Arts and the
Conseil des arts de la Communauté urbaine de Montréal.

Louis-Philippe Demers
Istvan Kantor aka Monty Cantsin
Nerve Theory
Jean Piché
Yves Daoust
Louis Dufort

1345 ave.Lalonde, Montreal, Metro Beaudry - Bus 125
(one street south of Ontario, between Visitation and Panet)

All evening presentations start at 9PM. For exceptions, consult the
Tickets: $15./$10. Students
Wicket (514) 521.4493
Réseau Admission (514) 790.1245 - 1.800.361.4595

association création recherche électroacoustiques québec
Alain Thibault - artistic director

Carlos Correal - Michino (514) 993.2102

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__________Louis Dufort__________

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