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Re: [microsound] Um Argentino no Deserto + more "two cents"

ah you are replying to yourself now, emmanuel you badly need those holidays... eh eh

> autoquoting:
> >rené bertholo migh be considered as working in a more "serious" field
> but i don't think dat politics and rene bertholo's audioworks should be put
> on a different scale if that's what you are implying... i enjoy both...
> if intellectually inspiring or entertaining in a booty shake manner
> it is genuinely successfull, it seems this is good to me!
> a funny thing is that bertholo seems to be midly confident with presenting
> his output as music...
> still on that art-sound-performance topic if found the nam june paik /
> tapies improvisation on the subrosa record extremely absurd-funny and
> ...good.
> e

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